The Tivoli COE was mandated to have its public hearings conducted within a 3-month time period. The Commissioners exceeded this time span and did so without seeking the appropriate extension from the Governor- General. Two concerns come readily to mind: Having ignored the protocol, what is the legal status of the public hearings conducted after the stipulated time span had expired? and What were the circumstances that accounted for the overrun and where such unforeseen and/or unavoidable ? i) We are not in a position to state definitively if the overrun has altered the legal status of the public hearings conducted after the stipulated 3-month. Having not sought or obtained the extension, then it would seem that an argument could be made that the public hearings conducted after the expiry of the mandate would have no legal standing. Hence, the Commissioners would be barred from taking into their consideration any evidence given after the expired date. Consequently...