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"Web of Deception" - Phillips

Solicitor General Douglas Leys grabbed headlines recently by his use of the phrase "Web of Deception". Curiously Dr. Peter Phillips, former Minister of National Security under a previous PNP regime is reported to have used that exact phrase from as early as March 24, 2010.

Below is an extract from Dr. Phillip's Statement.

The timeline will serve to demonstrate the web of deception and uncertainty that surround this matter. It also serves to put in context the seriousness of the issues.[emphasis added]

August 25, 2009

Extradition request for Christopher “Dudus” Coke.

September 18, 2009

First diplomatic note from the Government of Jamaica requesting additional information.

Bill payment made to Manatt Phelps and Phillips (MPP) for US$49,892.62 from Harold Brady (GJ) for services rendered per billing agreement.

October 1, 2009

Contract between Harold Brady and MPP signed. Harold Brady was referred to as “Consultant to the Government of Jamaica authorized on behalf of the GOJ to approve of the engagement of MPP as set forth in this letter…”

October 13, 2009

First filing by MPP with the US Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) setting out the contract dealing in political activities for a fee of US$100,000.00 per quarter

October 13, 2009

Short Form Registration statement filed by MPP lawyer Susan Schmidt which declares that she is the partner who will engage in political activities as defined in the contract.

November 12 , 2009

Amendment/revision to the FARA filed on October 13, 2009

December 10, 2009

Short Form Registration statement by MPP lawyer Kevin Di Gregory.

February 4, 2010

Amendment to the registration form filed by MPP. MPP still represents themselves on the USA ’s DOJ website as representing the GOJ and confirms that a bill of US$49,892.62 had been paid. This contradicts Mr. Brady’s assertion (on radio on made March 17, 2010) that he had corrected the agreement which listed him as representing the GOJ,

March 16, 2010

Prime Minister responds to questions posed by Dr. Peter Phillips in Parliament. PM vehemently denies any link between the Government and MPP.

March 17, 2010

Harold Brady interviewed on Nationwide Radio Programme and denies that he was a consultant to the Government of Jamaica. He said he had corrected the contract with MPP which listed him as representing the Government of Jamaica.

Mr. Harold Brady issues statement denying that he was retained by the GOJ to act on its behalf in the matters referred to in Parliament.

Minister Daryl Vaz tells journalists during a Post Cabinet Press Briefing that the document proving the corrections that Harold Brady said he made to the contracts have been requested from Mr. Brady.

March 18, 2010

Statement from the Prime Minister acknowledging that the Solicitor General in fact had made contact and had met with Representatives of MPP.

He denies any contractual arrangements with them and that MPP had accompanies the Solicitor General to meetings

March 22, 2010

Newspaper article quotes Minister Vaz as saying he had received documentation from Mr. Brady, but he was unable to get to his office to retrieve them until the following Monday.

Radio reports outlined that the documents would be perused by the Cabinet

March 23, 2010

Still no further information from the Cabinet or any other Government on the matter

Since then, based on the statements made by Prime Minister Golding himself, the Information Minister, Daryl Vaz, and Mr. Brady, the country has been left with more questions than answers. There has been more than an appearance of public deception by the Prime Minister and the Government.

Source: Statement by MP Peter Phillips on Manatt Phelps & Phillips


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